LCR Circuit Breaker Rental Relief Scheme

Dear Partners,
LCR is rolling out a circuit breaker rental relief scheme for all of you during the
period of 7th April 2020 – 4th May 2020 to support you through these challenging times.

This will be in addition to the P2P Support Package from the Government.
All LCR Partners will be automatically enrolled in this scheme.

** Hirers on arrears payment will only see the rental relief in their invoice next week for the rental cost for this week.

*Immediate Previous Contract refers to your last contract before your current contract.
For example, if you are currently on a 1 month contract from 15 March 2020, but your contract before that was a 6 month contract from 15 Oct 19 to 14 March 20, you will qualify for 20% rental relief instead.

If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact us at 6252 5525 for more info.