3 Day Free Trial – Try us out before you rent!

Try our cars and services for 3 days free and see if we are the right one for you! Experience it yourself now, the 3-Day Free Trial is up for a limited time only!
#LionCityRentals #3DayFreeTrial
Terms & Conditions:
– “3-Day Free Trial” promotion begins counting from the date of car checkout and the sales agreement signed, this applies to new customers only.
– “3-Day Free Trial” promotion is only applicable to hirers with new contracts only, hirers with existing contracts are strictly prohibited from this promotion.
– “3-Day Free Trial” promotion only applies to existing vehicle stocks, with priority on immediately available inventory.
– “3-Day Free Trial” is only applicable for hirers with valid PDVL license.
– Minimum booking deposit must be paid in full within the promotion period.
– “3-Day Free Trial” promotion is valid only from 13 September 2023 to 26 September 2023.
– Collection and check-out of the vehicle must be completed by 26 September 2023.
– Any renewal or return must be notified at least one day in advance, the vehicle will be repossessed if the hirer cannot be reached or when not given prior notice.
– A repossession fee and rental charges will apply if the vehicle is repossessed.
– Not applicable for customers with outstanding rental payments, the “3-Day Free Trial” promotion is strictly not allowed to be used for offset of any prevailing outstanding payments including rental, and workshop costs.
– Lion City Rentals has the sole and absolute right to withdraw, amend and/or change any part of these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice to you and you agree to be bound by those changes.
– Lion City Rentals’ decisions in any matter in relation to the promotion of free rental days shall be final and conclusive.
– Lion City Rentals is not responsible for any claims, damages, or losses by you or third parties of any nature, including but not limited to, loss of profits, expectation loss, punitive, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages or for other damages and any related claims of any nature, including direct, indirect, third-part, consequential or other damages resulting from or in connection with this promotion of free rental days.